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2020-03-01    作者:GBWindows


百年理工学院是安大略省的第一所最大规模的公立学院之一,是与DIALOG, Smoke Architecture和EllisDon合作设计,并建造了这个国家的第一座零碳,木质高教建筑。新门户计划于2023年完工,将在形式和功能上把本土和西方文化融合在一起。

Centennial College, Ontario s first public college, has collaborated with DIALOG, Smoke Architecture, and EllisDon to design and build the first zero-carbon, mass timber higher-education building in the country. Scheduled for completion in 2023, the new gateway structure will bring together Indigenous and Western cultures in both form and function.


我们希望为未来的高教项目提高标准[……]在百年理工学院,我们将可持续性、包容性和独特性视为完全相互关联的理念,并且希望建造一座能够展示这种重要关系的建筑。——Craig Stephenson,百年理工学院的校长兼CEO。

We wanted to raise the bar for future post-secondary projects […] At Centennial we view sustainability, inclusivity and Indigeneity as wholly interconnected ideas and we wanted a building that demonstrates that crucial relationship. -- Craig Stephenson, President and CEO, Centennial College.


DIALOG是一所综合性的、多专业设计实践的建筑事务所,而Smoke Architecture是一个专注于第一原住民和本土项目的工作室,其方法基于“双眼观察”的概念,该概念通过本土和西方知识的视角来观察世界。


DIALOG, an integrated, multidisciplinary design practice and Smoke Architecture, a studio that focuses on First Nation and Indigenous projects, based their approach on the concept of “two-eyed seeing”, which is viewing the world through the lens of Indigenous and western knowledge. Highlighting the College’s commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, the $105-million expansion of the A Block also represents the sustainable values praised by the institution.


该项目将清楚地展示高教设施如何通过消除二氧化碳排放为减少环境危害做出重要贡献。其零碳排放设计,以及在其可持续采伐的大量木材结构中储存数千吨碳的能力,将成为加拿大乃至全球的重要先例。——Craig Applegath, DIALOG项目负责人。

This project will be a clear demonstration of how higher-education facilities can make an important contribution to reducing environmental harm by eliminating CO2 emissions. Its zero-carbon emissions design, and its ability to store thousands of tonnes of carbon in its sustainably harvested mass timber wood structure, will be an important precedent in both Canada and around the world. -- Craig Applegath, Project Principal, DIALOG.





Using engineered wood products to create building structures instead of steel or concrete, in line with the sustainable vision of the college, the project is set to become the first post-secondary mass timber facility completed in Toronto. Creating over 150,000 square feet of new and renovated areas, without adding more carbon footprint, the project offers new academic spaces with flexible classrooms that support active learning and Indigenous ways of teaching and being. In fact, the expansion includes new labs for the School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science (SETAS) program and numerous informal spaces for collaboration and socialization.


这个项目的发展超越了将本土元素应用到主流设计中。这种设计根植于当地环境中的本土原则,该建筑的叙述是一个关于种子、成长、顶点和平衡的故事,在一个相互联系的世界的周期性观点中揭示了七个方面的教学。——Smoke Architecture。

This project grows beyond the simplistic application of Indigenous elements onto a mainstream design. This design is rooted in Indigenous principles, evoked in a contemporary setting. The building’s narrative is a story of seed, growth, culmination, and balance, revealing the seven directions teachings in a cyclical view of an interconnected world. -- Eladia Smoke, Principal of Smoke Architecture.



Inspired by regional Anishinaabe architecture, students will enter the building from the east into an active multi-story space of convergence. Revolving around an Indigenous Commons that opens up into a central courtyard with native plantings, the project reinterprets Indigenous concepts of community, biophilia, and sustainability.


EllisDon公司的木材专家热切期待与百年理工学院以及我们在DIALOG和Smoke Architecture的设计合作伙伴紧密合作,以创造这一先例的项目。

百年理工学院的扩建项目为我们提供了一个绝佳的机会来建造可持续的建筑,这建筑不仅功能齐全,而且更重要的是能够立即应对气候变化带来的严峻挑战。——Geoff Smith,EllisDon公司的CEO。

EllisDon’s mass timber specialists eagerly anticipate working closely with Centennial College and our design partners at DIALOG and Smoke Architecture to create this precedent-setting project. Centennial College’s A Block [expansion] project delivers us all the wonderful opportunity to construct sustainable structures that are not only beautifully functional, but more importantly help immediately address the critical challenges posed by climate change. -- Geoff Smith, CEO, EllisDon.





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